We had the privilege of ditching the cold Minnesota weather this Christmas for a warm holiday on the beautiful Garden Isle of Kauai, Hawaii. While it was certainly odd not having a white Christmas,...
View ArticleStop Bashing Bread!
I’ve noticed lately that bread has been getting a bad rap. It seems like bread is bashed by many fad diets and blamed for everything evil. In my opinion, fad diets should have no voice when it comes...
View ArticleCelebrating St. Patrick’s Day!
Whether it’s Christmas or Halloween or even Groundhog’s Day, I’m a sucker for a holiday theme…and holiday food. Just ask my girls. We always prepare a themed Sweetheart Dinner for Valentine’s Day and...
View ArticleBreakfast Inspiration
We’ve heard it again and again…breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Studies affirm that kids and teens who eat breakfast have more energy, do better in school, and eat healthier...
View ArticleMother’s Day: Kids, Cards & Laundry
When I think of Mother’s Day, I think of little girls, handmade cards, and laundry. Yes, laundry. On Mother’s Day, our girls would get up early to prepare breakfast in bed for me. I’d pretend to not...
View ArticleSpectacular Summer Salads
Now that spring has officially sprung and summer is just around the corner, my taste buds are singing a new tune. I’m no longer craving the heavy hot dishes and comforting soups that a Minnesota...
View ArticleCool Off With a Taste of Germany
As the outside temps rise, I find myself thirsting for a cool, refreshing drink. Usually my pitcher of infused water does the trick, but, some days I crave a little fizz. Instead of turning to soda, I...
View ArticleGreat Grilling — Sensational Shrimp Skewers
If you’re looking for a super-simple, kid-friendly recipe for the grill, I’ve got one for you! A few weeks ago, I served on the CentraCare Health Spring Fling fundraiser committee. Part of my job was...
View ArticlePumpkin Eaters!
Autumn brings crisp air, falling leaves and shorter days. And, for me, it brings the urge to bake. There’s something magical about the change in seasons that draws me to my kitchen. I adore the spicy...
View ArticleLunch Box Laughs
Knock! Knock! Who’s there? Orange…Orange who? Orange you glad it’s lunchtime?!?! I recently asked Finnley, my sweet “seven-and-three-fourths”-year-old niece, what she liked best about second grade....
View ArticleGrateful for Good Food
It only takes two minutes on Facebook to know it’s November. You’ve barely scrolled through the third post when you see a theme—people posting the things they’re thankful for. Yes, friends, the “30...
View ArticleSalad Dressing Shake-Up
My daughter Karen is a salad fanatic. She loves her veggies and packs one for lunch nearly every day. We keep the crisper drawer stocked with a rainbow assortment of high-scoring veggies and fruits,...
View ArticleBack to the Basics
Happy New Year! I’m feeling a little reflective today as I sit down to write this blog. While I find New Year’s Day a perfect time to look ahead and set some goals for self-improvement, I also like to...
View ArticleNew Year? Try Nu-Val!
Cafeteria Choices When I think back to my childhood school cafeteria days, I remember hair nets and crispy grilled cheese sandwiches. I recall smiling ladies serving up the entree of the day and...
View ArticleChocolate, Glitter, and a Sweetheart Dinner
Ok, I’ll admit it. I’m a romantic. I get giddy over hearts and fancy chocolates. Pink glitter is my favorite color. Did someone say roses? I am a huge fan of Valentine’s Day. Apparently, I love LOVE....
View ArticleAn Old Fashioned Sunday Dinner
When our friends invited our family over for an “old-fashioned Sunday dinner,” we eagerly accepted. We knew we were in for a treat. Steve and Judy are incredible hosts who appreciate good food. Judy...
View ArticleKelly’s Gone Banana’s!
Let’s start today’s blog with some banana trivia! Did you know? The scientific name for banana is musa sapientum, which means “fruit of the wise men.” There is a museum in Auburn, Washington, dedicated...
View ArticleIt’s Not Easy Eating Green!
I may not be Irish, but I sure like to get my green on and join in the St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans. Isn’t everyone just a wee bit Irish on St. Paddy’s Day? When our girls were little, we’d decorate...
View ArticleCarrots: They Aren’t Just For Bunnies!
Spring is in the Air You know you’re from Minnesota when the thermometer hits 50 degrees in March and your kids ask to put on their swimsuits and run through the sprinkler! They can’t wait to shed...
View ArticleAn Egg-stra Great Food Choice!
Back to the Basics – Eggs When I think back (way, way back) to my ninth grade Home Economics class, I remember Mrs. Kremmin, my teacher, explaining the nutritional benefits of the “Incredible Edible...
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